
Future events
  • ISMRM EMTP SG Virtual Meeting on “Susceptibility Microstructure”
    • July 31, 2024
Future activities
  • Best Practices for MR-EPT: If you would like to participate to the writing of this manuscript, please fill in this survey (deadline June 1st, 2024):
Past events
Joint Magnetic-Electrical
  • First MR-EPT reconstruction challenge (Feb-Aug 2023)
    • Challenge organizing committee:
      Coordinator: Dr. Stefano Mandija.
      Hands-On Committee: Dr. Alessandro Arduino, Dr. Patrick Fuchs, Dr. Ilias Giannakopoulos, MSc Kyu-Jin Jung, MSc Thierry Meerbothe. Advisory Committee: Prof. Cornelis A.T. van den Berg, Prof. Yusuf Ziya Ider, Dr. Ulrich Katscher, Prof. Dong-Hyun Kim, Prof. Riccardo Lattanzi, Dr. Khin Khin Tha, Dr. Luca Zilberti.
    • References:
      ISMRM2022: #704;
      ISMRM2024 #182
  • 2nd International Workshop on: MR-based Electrical Properties Mapping (IMEP)
    • March 14-16, 2019
    • Utrecht, The Netherlands
  • 1st International Workshop on: MR-based Impedance Imaging
    • December 8-10, 2010
    • Seoul & Yongin, South Korea